Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lauren's Side of the [Love] Story

Aaron, Aaron, Aaron...where to begin. Aaron and I have known each other for over 8 years, although we were never formally introduced. I first came to know Aaron when we were juniors year at Iowa. I was a bartender at One Eye'd Jakes, he and his buddies were regulars. They would slide the occasional cocktail napkin over the bar with a note, commenting on my red sweatshirt, my inability to reach the top shelf, or offering some "charming" invitation to join them at an after hours party.

Our time at Iowa passed, and we started the next phase of our lives. Aaron and I crossed paths once or twice, but I didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until I ran into Aaron at a holiday party in December 2008, that I truly noticed him. My first thought was "is that a purple shirt and grey lapel?" My second thought..."what happened to his forehead?" As the night went on, Aaron and I reacquainted ourselves. I learned that he prided himself on his Kohl's wardrobe, and that he had recently been in a snowball fight that ended in an emergency room visit and 5 stitches to head. I also heard stories of high school football highlights (did you know he won state?), his internship in Hawaii, a move to North Carolina, then Texas, and now Chicago. Before I knew it, Aaron Fangman had managed to keep me up until 5 am. The night had past, but I was standing still. I woke up the next morning (or late afternoon...) thinking about the fun I'd had the night before. We had talked at the party, danced at The Schoolyard, and even gone out for a late night snack a Hoagie Hut. We seemed to have so much in common, yet knew so little of each other.

Aaron stayed on my mind over Christmas and the New Year. We had exchanged texts over the holidays and into January. On a Thursday night in January, Aaron text me to come meet him, and our mutual friends at a bar. I was going on 25 and trying to act mature...I told him I'd think about it...after all it was a work night (ha-ha). A few more hampering texts, and a promise that my good friend Katie Clark was also at the bar, convinced me to go. I was greeted by Katie at the door. She gave me the low-down...the boys were ignoring everything but their beer and "the big game." She was bored and about to leave. If I wanted, I could swing through, say hello to all of our friends and catch a cab home with her in 15 minutes. I tried my best to mingle quickly, but Aaron wouldn't have it. He ordered me a beer, pulled up a barstool and filled me in on the game. Thursday night turned into Friday night, and then Saturday night. Aaron and I had managed to hang out all weekend. Little did I know, we would continue this trend for the next 3 years.

The past 3 years have been the best years of my life, and it excites me to think that this is only the beginning. Aaron has shown me more love and support than I could ever imagine. I've never laughed as hard, or smiled as much, as I have when I am with him. We have a natural friendship and a great love. I can only imagine that the next chapter of our lives will be as good or better than the last.

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